Monday, 26 July 2010

WE GOT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes yes yes!!! We got the apartment of our dreams and no one is happier than me and Ceri right now. We'll be moving in in the beginning of September at some point, so no pictures for you until then. But believe me, it will be worth waiting for ;)

Anyway, this is what I've been up to lately:

We had these two lovely little tables, that I thought would look perfect on our little balcony.

So with some fresh paint....
And some lovely decorations....
They would look like new!
So yesterday we sanded them down and today we gave them some new paint. And tomorrow when the paint has dried they need one more coat of paint, some decorating, some vanish and then they should be finished. I will show you the finished product then.
So Ceri decided to read a nice book until the work continues tomorrow :)
This is another project I got on the go. A little present for someone. But it is a secret!
That is all I have to report so far. Will be back soon though!



  1. Åh fy fan vad kul!! Vad glad jag blir för er skull! :) Nu måste vi ju verkligen komma och hälsa på er!

  2. JAAAAA! Det maste niiiii! Oh du anar inte! Jag tjot som ett litet barn hahaha...
    Vi maste prata ihop oss lite tror jag bestamt. Vore ju kul om ni kunde komma i borjan av september innan vi borjar skolan igen :)

  3. Ohhhh!!!!! Grattis till er båda =)))) Är sååååååååååå lycklig för er skull!!!! Jag visste det = ))))

    Love you <3 <3 <3

  4. Hehe bara gissa hur lyckliga vi ar da! WOHOO! :D:D:D
    Love you to!

  5. indeed the new apartment is ours!! thank god for that! xx
