Friday, 16 December 2011

2 Years Anniversary and Christmas Trees...

It's been a great few days after we had our last presentations this term. Ceri and I started off by celebrating our 2 years anniversary (five days late) by heading to Wasabi in Uplands, for a lovely Japanese meal. Both of us tried the Udon Soup which was new to both of us, and it was amazing! I will always eat Udon soup from now on. I also tried dumplings for the first time in my life and they were amazing to. More dumplings to the people! Oh and edameme beans too. We didn't know how to eat them so Ceri just ate the whole thing and learned that they were not to be eaten that way, the hard way. But we got it in the end and I loved the edameme beans to.

Earlier that day my love came home with a lovely flower bouquet. I love flowers and this was probably the most beautiful bouquet ever! I think I might have the greatest boyfriend in the world, just so you know. And he is ALL MINE! hihi

And, yesterday we decorated the house and dressed the tree together. The tree looks so much better this year then it did last. We decided to get some colour in there and got some read baubles and I made a few hearts as well, just to spice it up a bit. Can't wait till we can have a real tree though. So much nice than fake ones. 

As for today I will continue the Christmas madness in town whilst Ceri sits at home on parcel watch duty. Yesterday we waited all day for deliveries to come and around 16.00 we decided to go food shopping cause surely there wouldn't be any deliveries that late. Well sure enough, when we got home there was a delivery card in the post box saying that we just missed them. UH! So today we wont leave the house un-attended at all.

Now I need to get ready and get out before town over floods with people (which it probably already have anyway).

OH! and I had a big box of Swedish goodies sent from my mom the other day to! Glögg, dumle, gingerbread and CHEESEDOODLES! I was, and have been in heaven for the past few days, and I am eating my cheese doodles very sloooow! Thank you momma!!!

Some photos from the last few days...
Sorry about the dirty windows, we've had sand stroms, hail storms and all the storms you can imagine lately so I saw no point in cleaning the bloody windows...