Friday, 15 April 2011

So I thought it was time for a little update since it's been so long now. I've been very busy lately with uni work and such so I have totally forgotten about my blog and to be honest I haven't had time either, so there. Anyway, my second year at Swansea Met is coming to an end and I am falling out of 3D more and more. I know it sounds bad, but it's ok. I will finish my degree and even though my passion for it is getting less and less by each day I still some how manage to hit the top grades in everything. I just can't do anything by half measures and even though I'm not 100% dedicated, I still am a perfectionist. I'm still so happy that I took this course. It has shown me a new path, the path to happiness and self respect. I know now what I am capable off and I now have my own business and well, I haven't made any big money yet but I am planning to this summer. My drive is stronger than it's ever been before. I have so much energy that it sometimes feel like I could just take off and fly. Few things weigh me down these days and to feel this happy is honestly something I never thought I would feel. I have the most amazing boyfriend that I soon will be married to. And in not to long there will be a couple of toddlers running around to. I can't wait to have kids. I yearn for it! I see my friends pop out kids one after the other hahaha and now I want that to.

Speaking off my friends, god do I miss you! Some of you I haven't seen in nearly a year, and I am starting to feel the pinch now, it actually hurts a bit. I miss having someone to phone just to talk about everything and nothing. Someone to come over for a couple of beers on our lovely balcony and just talk till the sun goes down, then lit my lanterns take a couple of blankets out and just continue till early in the morning. Talking about old times.... I miss that. Never have I been away from friends for so long. I should probably stop now because I'm getting to sensitive and start sobbing.

Anyway, I have been working allot on our small but now amazing balcony and also allot in the apartment to give it that personal touch. I had some money over on my student loan so I thought ah why not. Here goes:

I've re-painted the ugly mirror we had in the hallway and it came out lovely...
Also filled the place with orchids... how I love orchids, they are probably the most amazing flowers there is...
The lounge window (the small one haven't done the big one yet, need a drill to get the curtain rails up first, but I'll show you that ones it's done)
"Can you get the plague from loving someone too much?"
Our little flowers from last year are slowly coming back to life...
The balcony now has lanterns and flowers all over it and it is so peaceful to sit out there. The first evening just after finishing re-potting and sorting I sat out there for 4 hrs just listening to the sound of the waves...
Hopefully these will climb all over the balcony and make it even nicer...
...this is our view, it's something else...
And when the dark sets in my lanterns makes it a little bit lighter...
This is our elevator and that is my future husband :-S
The bridge leading to one of our favourite café's...
And that's that for now. I feel more than a million dollars and life is smiling at me right now.



  1. Älskade ungen min! Vet du att mitt hjärta sjunger när jag hör dig berätta om ditt liv och allt du upplever och känner just nu, och ser alla vackra bilder.

  2. Åh jag är så fruktansvärt glad för din skull! Vi måste skypa för fan1!! Då kan du ju sitta på balkongen med mig i datorn bredvid! Haha! Vad heter du på skype? Hälsa din fagra blivande make!

  3. Meh jag glommer ju bort att kolla kommentarer haha... Klar vi maste skypa! Jag heter emeliejensen84 pa skype ADDA MIG RA! ;)
    Tror vi kommer hem en svang i sommar men jag vill inte lova nagot an, beror pa hur det ser ut med jobb o sa. Nar kommer ni o halsar pa oss igen forresten? :D
